Sunday, July 6, 2014

And Now Wesley is 5...

My very first baby is turning 5 in just a few short hours. How can this be possible when yesterday he looked like this...

It just can't be. But, it is. I've checked multiple times. 
Wesley at five is awesome. He is bright and funny. His teachers at church always stop and tell me that he is "a hoot." I've never been brave enough to ask for an explanation. Wesley loves his little brothers and helping me do things for them. He still enjoys pretend sword fighting and real bug collecting. He tells me "I love you most."

Five seems impossibly old to me. Next month he'll start school and I'm not prepared to discuss my feelings on that subject. I don't think I'm ready to be without him for that length of time. But that's another blog for a different day. For now I will focus on making his birthday special.

Happy birthday buddy! Mama loves you bunches!

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